Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Trade 3 Complete!

Hot on the heels of our trade for markers that excite and awe, a calendar was landed from My Boyfriend's Closet, the do-it-yourself project which takes tired menswear from the closet and reawakens it as womenswear, with a few stitches and cuts along the way. The calendar not only will help get you to your doctor's appointment on time, but also kick back a little love to Girls for a Change. Not too bad, ladies!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Trade 2 Complete!

I'm quickly learning that this project is going to be a rollercoaster! After a wonderfuuul mention on Care2's Trailblazers blog this morning, I was scrambling in between sniffles to check who was following me on Twitter or who was liking us on Facebook, and then getting dings from my phone, telling me that someone else had offered me something interesting for our custom song.

Well, after much deliberation, I chose to trade back a bit to keep things slow and steady for now, and hopefully wheel and deal for my designer's 2011 calendar which I covet. She said she wanted these markers, so now they're here, if she wants them! Hopefully this will help me buy some time, too, as I've been sick and can't give too much time to shopping around the great offers I got today.

Just a hint of what may be to come: I've heard rumors of getting written into books and custom glow-in-the-dark T-shirts!

But that's for later. For now, slow and steady wins the race. Behold, Crayola Markers!!

Sick in Bed!

Hello faithful followers!

Just a note to explain that I have received great offers for the custom song and have just not put them up because I'm sick in bed. My friends Nate and Ayush are helping me work on the site, so don't fret--we'll be back in the trading business before you can say Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (no, that's not what I have...)

 If you have something to trade and want to be considered for a FUTURE trade, just submit your offer!

New Site Design

Hey y'all!

Let me know what you think about this new site design I did. How's it look? (You can click on it to see a big version.)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Flip-Flop Logo

Well, it's not going to make my old young design professors scream to the hilltops that they taught me everything they knew, but it's cool that when you flip it upside down it turns into a logo for my other trading project, 2StinkyFish. See, the squigglies are sorta like 52 then they turn into 2S for 2StinkyFish!

Okay, still needs some work. But maybe just maybe it's worth tossing up to not give in to my OCD.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

52 Trades Kicks Off

Ever since I started 2StinkyFish, aiming to feed 5000 people through a series of bigger and better trades, I've been wondering if there might be a way to do a series of quick trades to raise money for a good cause that I hadn't heard of yet.

52Trades hopes to do just that. I'll make a series of bigger and better trades, one per week for 52 weeks. Each person who trades with me will have the opportunity to promote a cause of their choice, and get their friends to vote on it. The cause with the most votes at the end of the year will get the cash from the final auctioned-off item. :)